Uludağ - Uludağ Gazoz 50cl

In 1932, the Uludağ Gazoz formula was created by Nuri Erbak and has been kept as a secret within the family for four generations. It is actually not only a lemonade but a unique taste composed of different flavors. From the first years of its existence, it has been the ultimate refreshment drink after a Turkish bath and still today, with its mysterious taste, it remains the "legend" of its sector as a refreshment drink for all occasions. Every year, over 45 million liters of Uludağ Gazoz are consumed in Turkey. Realizing 40 million cans and bottles worth of export in 2010 Uludağ Gazoz is exported all over the world. Since its re-launch in 2002, the 250ml transparent "legendary bottle" of the 60`s has been a great success.

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